BARBER: Commando March. PERSICHETTI: Pagent. W. SCHUMANN: Newsreel in Five Shots. J.W. JENKINS: American Overture. Music by DELLO JOIO, RR. BENNETT, CHANCE, WERLE, and STAMP.

PAGEANT – Jack Stamp, cond; Keystone Wind Ensemble – CITADEL CTD 88132 (66:12) BARBER Commando March. PERSICHETTI Pageant. W. SCHUMAN Newsreel in Five Shots. J. W. JENKINS American Overture. DELLO JOIO Scenes from “The Louvre”. R. R. BENNETT Symphonic Songs. CHANCE Incantation and Dance. F. WERLE Concertino for Three Brass and Band. STAMP Cheers! Here is yet another new release in …